Friday, August 7, 2009


Well I love traveling. I have been on the going since I was born. My parents took me to the World's Fair in Knoxville, Tn after I was born. I have been to 20 states. Here is the list of states I have been to. Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia.

I took my first plane flight back in May 2005 and it was awesome. I was nervous when I got on the plane and when it took off. When we were going down the runway it felt like I was drag racing. Then main thing that freaked me out was when the plane took a sharp turn. I was gripping the seat. The flight was amazing, I guess it was something that I had never experience. I tooked the flight from Memphis to Atlanta, Ga and then I caught another flight from Atlanta to Newport News, Va. While I was in Norfolk, Va I got to see several different military bases, The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. That is one expensive bridge to cross. It cost $17 one way and I think it was $5 to get back across. The bridge tunnel is 23 miles long and that is the longest bridge and tunnel I've been on. I would love to go back to Norfolk.

I took another plane flight in July 2007. I took it from Jacksonville, Fl to Memphis. I had to change planes in Atlanta. My flight was late leaving Atlanta. I left there at 1pm and when I landed in Memphis it was 1pm. I thought that was funny. I have been to Florida 3 times sofar and I will probably go back around Christmas time to see my sister. I have been all the way down to the Key West. I have been to Disney World, Miami, Orlando, Talahassee and Tampa.

This year I have been to 3 new states. They are Iowa, Colorado and Utah. I went to Iowa for my job and I was in the Des Moines area for 2 weeks. I was in New Castle, Colorado area for 2 and half weeks for my job. I was less than 2 hours from Utah so I decided to go and see it and check it off my list. If I had a little more time and money I would have went to Vegas. I was less than 500 miles. From traveling to the 3 states I put almost 5,000 miles on my truck. I'll tell you this from Driving from New Castle to Jonesboro it was a long drive. I left 3:30am mountain time and I didn't get home until 10:15pm central time that night. It took me about 18 hours and I was exhausted.

My goal is to go to all 50 states before I die. So far I have been to 20 states. I am lacking 11 states of the east coast and Washington DC to be finished with that side of the country. I am lacking 5 states that is in our neck of the woods. For the mid west it is 5 states. For the western part of the country it is 8 states. Then I have Alaska and Hawaii.

Alaska is my dream state that I want to travel too. Instead of flying or taking a cruise I want to drive there. I estimated that the round trip is about 10,000 miles. If I went I would have to have a lot of money and I would have to take a whole month off.

Every state I've been to I either rode in a car or drove there. I estimated that I have probally driven and drove over 50,000 miles on traveling out of state.

If any of y'all have any suggestions on where I should take a trip to just let me know. Have a good weekend, Talk to y'all later.

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